Missionaries to Zambia since 1994

Marcia and I have been missionaries in Zambia with the Baptist Bible Fellowship International since 1994. Our sending church is Whittier Lane Baptist Church in New Castle, Indiana. Marcia and I were both saved through the ministry of Whittier Lane Baptist Church in 1980 and served there until we left for Bible College in Springfield, Mo in 1989. After graduating from BBC in 1993 we returned to New Castle to serve as missionary interns at Whittier Lane Baptist Church under the leadership of our pastor Rev. Frank Wood.
Thank you for visiting our web site. Our prayer is you will learn more about our ministry in Zambia and become more involved in missions through your local church.
Sending church Website: http://www.whittierlanebaptist.orgweeblylink_new_window
Sending Agency Website: http://www.bbfimissions.comweeblylink_new_window
Donate To Our Ministry: http://donate.bbfimissions.com/MissionaryLookup.aspx?missno=riggs4zambiaweeblylink_new_window